Cryosauna Safety Precautions: Part I

Cryotherapy is an enjoyable addition to a fitness and wellness regimen. When operating a cryosauna and participating in cryotherapy session, as with any equipment, there are cryosauna safety precautions worth knowing, worth remembering and worth practicing.

Nitrogen Gas Safety for the Cryosauna Operator
  •   What: Check your oxygen monitor daily and confirm the oxygen level is 19.5% or greater.
  •   Why: Nitrogen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Nitrogen gas has no warning characteristics. Although nitrogen is a non-toxic, inert gas, it can displace the oxygen in air to levels that are unsafe, causing asphyxiation.
Nitrogen Gas Safety for the Cryosauna Participant
  •   What: Participants must always have their head where they can breathe air.
  •   What: Dipping is prohibited! Never lower your head into a cryosauna.
  •   Why: Nitrogen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Nitrogen gas has no warning characteristics. Although nitrogen is a non-toxic, inert gas, it can displace the oxygen in air to levels that are unsafe, causing asphyxiation.

Practice the ABC’s of safety when operating a cryosauna or participating in a cryotherapy session: always be careful. And remember, chance takers are accident makers. Enjoy cryotherapy and let’s be safe out there!